Capability of providing complex and professional services allows us to carry out stable cooperation with companies that are leaders in the branches of automotive, foundry, plastic processing and household appliance industries. As a result of this, our company is in a leading position among companies offering production tools, and our products are sent to many countries in the world, namely: Poland, England, Italy, Indie, China, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Russia, France, Spain, the Czech Republic, Spain , Sweden, and others.
For several years, a close partner-relationship is maintained between the P.P.U. “MAG-RYŚ” enterprise and Czestochowa University of Technology (CUT). In order to tighten this relation, the framework agreement on cooperation and undertaking innovative research initiatives was bound between the firm and the CUT on the day of 20th November 2015. As part of the cooperation, there are performed activities concerning cooperation and exchange of scientific and industrial experience, development of innovative production technologies and undertaking research initiatives among highly qualified researchers, research and didactic staff, students and employees of the Enterprise.